Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23 Arrive in Guatemala City

So we arrived at the airport and breezed through customs ( there was some concern about the 70 pound bag being opened and examined and questioned about all the needles and anesthetics and sharp things - not a problem because we have authorization from the government, but nice avoid detention and guns being pointed at us ) and got outside the terminal where I was offered shoe shines by three different fellows.   My shoes would not have withstood a shine and would have disintegrated at the slightest hint of polish.

Sylvia and her husband met us outside the terminal and accompanied us on the shuttle bus to the hotel to made sure we got inside safely.  The room was not ready for us so they let us us the executive lounge where we could change into swim suits and go for a swim.

There were guards even around the pool and I gave Peron a water bottle in exchange for a picture with him.   He said he would shoot me if it looked like I was drowning while attempting to swim so I would not suffer. ( He actually spoke no English so our conversation was limited to - Hi - want some water, what is your name and can I take a picture with you ).

So we are here at the hotel relaxing until the rest of the group arrives in about 5 hours.  We ( read here I - Susan was not comfortable with the idea ) thought briefly about taking a taxi around town, but after seeing all the guards around the hotel decided otherwise.

 We left the hotel property ( insert *gasp* here ) and walked to Hacienda Real restaurant three blocks away rather than using the hotel offerings and it was quite nice.  And inexpensive. 


  1. Maybe his name is not Pedro, but Ahab. Maybe he is looking to shoot great white whales in the pool? I will not risk my presence.

  2. Not sure what good an armed guard does at the top of a building....
